

aaa bbb↓ >aaa >bbbこういう処理を考える。 Rubyの場合 普通に/^/を">"に置換すればいい。 irb> "aaa\nbbb\n".gsub(/^/,">") => ">aaa\n>bbb\n" Gaucheの場合 rubyと同様に#/^/を">"に置換しようとすると無限ループになってしまう。 gosh> (regexp-replace-a…

Squeak on Nintendo DS

> I ported the VM to the DS a few month ago. > > I only spent a weekend on it, so it's not working very well but I can > make it a bit more usuable if you need to use it. > > You need to use a third party flash card to run anything that's …